
Monday, January 10, 2011

My Remedy for Sore Muscles

After a day of cutting, splitting, hauling and stacking firewood, I was rewarded with the fact that I wont have to do this again for another week.  However, my other reward was sore muscles from head to toe.  Feel free to make your "you're getting old", FG comments if you'd like.  Here's what I do when my hamstring, calf and gluteus maximus (that's butt) muscles are feeling the strain of over work.  I make my concoction of apple cider vinegar, honey and green tea.

Not just plain old apple cider vinegar, but the raw-unfiltered, organic type.  I mix equal parts of the vinegar with my favorite honey and blend it into a pitcher of green tea thats been chilled.  I don't like to add the vinegar and honey until after chilling, because when the tea is too hot, it diminishes the healthy components I'm looking for.  This would be a process similar to pastuerization, which I'm trying to avoid by using the raw-unfiltered type to begin with.

I finish this cocktail by squeezing a couple fresh oranges into it.  The sky is the limit as to other flavors you could add to this.  Perhaps a cinnamon stick and a clove or two added to the brewing tea would give this a nice "spiced" flavor. 

What I get from this are the natural healing benefits of all of the components.  Any search engine can supply you with a host of sites and blogs to read up on this.  The one I consult the most is  If you have any "concoctions" of your own that you would like to add, please do.  I love learning about "natural" remedies, and I'm sure there are plenty that I'm not familiar with.

1 comment:

  1. I got muscle fatigue when I came back from the gym. The next day I could not go to gym due to muscle soreness. The best remedy which I found effective is Pure Noni Juice. When I drink 60 ml of this juice my muscles become relaxed and heal up faster.
